Friday, November 9, 2007

CEO's Rewarded Big for turning in Losses.

While some people my be sad that Chuck Prince of Citi Bank, and Stan O'neal of Merill Lynch is leaving their respective companies should not be sad just yet. Both Prince and O'neal held the highest offices within their companies. Third Quarter losses and huge write downs led to their ousters from their companies, even though both Citi and Merrill announced that they were Retiring.

When you are a CEO when you are forced to retire or retire when your company is in turmoil apparently you will be rewarded with the big dollars. Stan O'Neal, is leaving with $161.5 million in stock, options and retirement benefits, even after leaving the brokerage with its biggest ever quarterly loss in the third quarter. Prince will leave with an estimated $41 million dollars. This is really outrageous. To think about all the people who have loss a significant amount of money due to bad deals made by these companies.