Friday, April 20, 2007

The US Dollar is King no more!!!

The effect of the falling US dollar is that Americans will find it expensive to travel to Great Britain and other parts of Europe. The US tourism industry will benefit the most as a result of this. Tourist from all over Europe are expected to travel to the United States.

The dollar has declined against the pound the last five years, but just how far it's fallen came into sharper focus this week, when the British currency rose above $2 for the first time in nearly 15 years. The euro, meanwhile, is at a two-year high against the dollar.

Last year the amount of British tourist that came to the United States numbered almost 4.5 million dollars and that number is projected to be more that last year. It is inexpensive for them to travel to the United States on buying trips.

The dollar's further decline, then, perhaps couldn't come at a better time - at least for the tourism industry.